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Sapphire7 Inex Primer
Crystalex Exterior Acrylic Emulsion
Crystalex Interior Acrylic Emulsion
Crystalex Exterior Cement Primer
Crystalex Interior Cement Primer
Sapphire7 Epoxy Coating
Sapphire7 Epoxy Coating Dual Pack
Sapphire7 Seal O Coating
Sapphire7 Silver
Sapphire7 Tile Guard
Sapphire7 Acryl Clear
Sapphire7 Hide Plast
Sapphire7 Ceiling White
Sapphire7 Floor Tile Guard
Sapphire7 Exterior Emulsion
Sapphire7 Premium Emulsion
Sapphire7 Premium Exterior Emulsion
Sapphire7 Luxury Emulsion
Sapphire7 Metalic Tilecoat
Sapphire7 Ultra Weather Care
Exterior Solution
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Under Coat
Tile Guard
Solvent Based Coating
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Sapphire Acryl Interlock Polish
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Sapphire Acryl Interlock Polish
Benefits :
Stain resistance
Soap and water clean up
Rich Sheen
Water Resistant
Surface Preparation
All surface must be dry sound and clean . Remove any cement, skin, loose material, dust and dirt If Sapphire Acryl polish is applied on wet surface, moisture gets trapped under the coating and form blisters when surface temperature increases.
Apply two coats for old surfaces . Apply one coat for new surfaces , but the background should be the same applying colour.
Our Products
Sapphire7 Inex Primer
Crystalex Exterior Acrylic Emulsion
Crystalex Interior Acrylic Emulsion
Crystalex Exterior Cement Primer
Crystalex Interior Cement Primer
Sapphire7 Epoxy Coating
Sapphire7 Epoxy Coating Dual Pack
Sapphire7 Seal O Coating
Sapphire7 Silver
Sapphire7 Tile Guard
Sapphire7 Acryl Clear
Sapphire7 Hide Plast
Sapphire7 Ceiling White
Sapphire7 Floor Tile Guard
Sapphire7 Exterior Emulsion
Sapphire7 Premium Emulsion
Sapphire7 Premium Exterior Emulsion
Sapphire7 Luxury Emulsion
Sapphire7 Metalic Tilecoat
Sapphire7 Ultra Weather Care
Sapphire 7 Paints